Heart problems – always the biggest problem area
Prostate problems, ” to screen or not to” and prostate cancer is not an easy issue to make a decision on as varying opinions – everyone is an individual and we suggest a chat with their GP about what is applicable to their circumstance – reading some information prior to seeing your GP may help – or confuse!
- http://www.prostate.com.au/ – this site is written by a Urologist at St Vincents and there may exist varying opinions on specific advice on this site
- Current evidence indicates that the PSA test is not suitable for population screening, as the harms outweigh the benefits. http://www.cancerscreening.gov.au/internet/screening/publishing.nsf/Content/prostate-cancer-screening
- NHMRC Advice for Health Practitioners on PSA Testing in Asymptomatic Men http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/guidelines-publications/men

Mensline Australia is a telephone and online counselling service for men with emotional health and relationship concerns
Tel: 1300 78 99 78

The Mens Shed Young
Showground Young NSW 2594 Phone: 1300 550 009
Men’s sheds are now established as part of the health infrastructure that supports programs to improve men’s health and well being