COVID vaccination can now be given as single injections. On most occasions , this can be done by just booking into the Registered Nurse at the practice .
It can be given same day as the Seasonal Influenza “flu” vaccine but at different sites
However some clinics for vaccinations may still be run
Stay protected in 2024: Your guide to COVID-19 vaccination
Ensure your ongoing protection against COVID-19 by understanding the latest vaccination guidelines for 2024.
As with all vaccinations, people are encouraged to discuss the vaccine options available to them with their health practitioner. This table outlines current advice

Laverty Pathology : can perform booked COVID PCR swabs in the ambulance bay – call Laverty on 63821212 to book ; BUT you need to obtain a pathology referral from your General Practitioner – ring and discuss with the receptionists here and they will organise a nurse to triage you for telephone consultation with an available GP – result are generally sent to you by SMS – the results of a respiratory panel ( for other viruses also requested) are only sent to the requesting GP

CoRiCal aims to help people make informed decisions about the risks versus benefits of COVID-19 vaccines.

explains vaccine development and distribution